I know all creative people have ideas. Good ideas, bad ideas, ideas that we only like parts of, ideas that we give away to others, and that we keep close to the vest and refine. We re-work it, we re-write, re-draw, re-think, going over details and plot lines, compositions and formats until we reach a point in that we believe it's complete. It's done. It's ready to be put into production.
I also know that, as a creative person, that level of perfection will never come. The nature of being a creative person is to be your own harshest critic, and no doubt you will go back and look at changes you made the day before and already be dissatisfied with them. You'll continue in this cycle, and nothing will ever move forward.
Dead Meat is one of those ideas. 10 years ago I saw Dawn of the Dead for the first time. 9 years and 364 days ago I came up for the basis of what would (will?) become Dead Meat. I was ahead of trends that I've now missed, but I've stuck with the idea because I believe in it. I've brought it before the attention of a few comic book publishers, I've published short stories based on its characters in Heavy Metal Magazine, but ultimately I've never REALLY done anything with it. It remained stuck in the idea stage mainly because I believed that producing it as a comic was something I couldn't do by myself.
Finally after all this time I'm going to produce the book myself because in this era of the internet and digital media I CAN do it myself, and this blog is dedicated to following that process. I'll cover the entire evolution of Dead Meat from its original incarnation up through how it exists currently, and into its publication as an online comic book. I'm jumping out of the airplane, and whether or not I have a parachute has yet to be seen.
I invite all of you out there to follow me as I stop worrying and learn to just DO it. Because if I can, that means you can too.
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